About Us
Toh Chwee Huat Ivory Co., founded in the early 60’s specialise in ivory handicraft production by master Toh Chwee Huat.
He was engaged in the production of ivory handicrafts and since then, he had produced various exquisite ivory handicrafts. With the passage of time and handicrafts market expansion, the ivory handicrafts produced by master Toh became insufficient to meet the market demand.
Our history
In 1972, Toh Chwee Huat Ivory Co. established the import division, specialise in various kinds of ivory handicrafts with more elaborate ivory handicraft artworks imported from China and Hong Kong.
Since establishment over 6 decade ago, Toh Chwee Huat Ivory Co. gathers a strong history with numerous loyal customer. In recent years, handicrafts made by ivory have been banned from trading in the international market. With the banned of ivory trading, the business has since change focus to various kinds of martial arts equipment and supplies, from martial arts shoes, high quality leather shoes, to martial arts equipment include variety of knives, spears, swords, sticks and many variety of weapons. We welcome friends, schools and groups of the martial arts community to visit our shop for selection.
卓水发象牙公司原開始于 60 年代初期之象牙手工艺品制作名师卓水发先生,他从事于象牙手工艺 品之加工业务,制造出各种精美之象牙手工艺品
随着时光的推移,市场的扩大,自己制作之手工艺品 已不足于应付市场的需求,于是于 1972 年開始成立了卓水发象牙公司,專门经营各类象牙手工艺品, 並由中国、香港進口更精巧的象牙艺术品,经营至今,前后已有 60 多年的历史了,近年来由于象 牙艺术品已在国际市场上禁止买卖,因此,現已改变营业跑道,经营各种武术用品及回力牌太极、武 术运动鞋,还有高级的皮制太极、武术鞋,武术用品包括各种刀、枪、剑、棍及各种武术器械,欢迎 武术界的朋友,学校及团体前来参观选購。